At the Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade

by JD Stanley

It was the day of the undead at the Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade.

Bony Fiddle krewe as the Addams Family just prior to the start of the Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade

Bony Fiddle krewe as the Addams Family just prior to the start of the Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade

This year, Bony Fiddle had the privilege of being a featured krewe in the Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade and it was a dream come true. Everyone dressed in costume and surrounded by hundreds of zombies…? What?

We live for this stuff!

2014 Zombie walk - Eden and Blair

Eden Kontrimas makes up Blair

The day began early with a make-up and costume pre-parade scramble. Big thanks to one of our Bony Fiddle FX make-up artists, Eden Kontrimas.  Took stamina to power through the assembly line of krewe who needed making-up.
By the time we were ready to go, Blair’s apartment was trashed, but we looked awesome, so it was all good!
2014 Zombie walk - pre-parade Sam practicing her costume face

Sam practising her costume face

This was the biggest Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade in Toronto to date with more than ten thousand undead and supporters in attendance.  Truly a testament to the organisational powers of The Toronto Zombie Walk Board of Directors – we love you Thea and your undead gang!  We had the pleasure of creating a loose relationship with the Toronto Zombie Walk group this year and very much look forward to continued development of that relationship.
We’d drag our corpses anywhere for them.
2014 Oct 25 - Justine Cargo and Monte Shen as Morticia and Gomez Addams

Justine Cargo and Monte Shen as Morticia and Gomez Addams

The day’s events began around 11am with the opening of the Zombie Market and Nerf Zombie Strike Midway at Nathan Phillips Square. The parade launched at 3pm from the float holding area just behind City Hall.  Funniest moment while we were waiting to go out?  That would be Morticia (Justine Cargo) breaking into spontaneous twerking on the street.  Oh, it happened – we have photographic evidence.
The krewes along with our own were released one-by-one with a pack of zombies between us.  We rounded the first corner of the route to cheers and cameras while the zombie wrangles ran around us with brains on sticks to keep the undead under control.  We made our way out to University Ave, around the corner onto College and then straight on down Yonge Street.
Hitting Yonge Street was surreal.  We thought we’d seen a lot of people until we got around the corner.  Spectators were elbow-to-elbow and about ten or fifteen people deep or more in some spots.  Camera flashes were going off in every direction.  What a rush!
Highlight of the day? What seemed like thousands of people packed onto both sides of Yonge Street spontaneously breaking in the theme song from the Addams Family as our Bony Fiddle crew walked by. Nothing finer than a Saturday afternoon when thousands of people all snap their fingers and sing in unison in response to something we did.  No complaints there.
Thank you Toronto and thank you Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade.  We’ll see you next year!
Oct 25, 2014 - Bony Fiddle Addams Family, full crew, pre-parade

Bony Fiddle – The “Family” business since 2006

Dundas Square ZOMBIE promo a HIT!

by Blair Mueller

On Saturday, August 30th, we hit up Dundas Square with two of our zombies from our upcoming show Lost Refuge, the second of our double bill feature, to generate some hype about our production, and from the moment we left my apartment we knew it was going to be a great night!

Our zombies for the evening, played by Mandi Sosnowski and Justine Cargo, also featured in our show, were very excited to be a part of the promo and we couldn’t have been more happy with their performance. We learned one valuable lesson during our night out, if you want attention, make friends with a zombie or two!

We rode the subway there and back and even before we got into the train, we had already given away our first promo card to interested bystanders. People were taking pictures and videos from across the subway platform, over their shoulder, and around poles. Some couldn’t stop staring, some could only look for a second before being grossed out, and others just wanted to get up close and personal.

People couldn’t get enough, and we have our talented special effects make up artist Sean George to thank for that! The work he did on these zombies was so great and even made some full grown men run away screaming. No really, we’re not joking.
A little later in the evening, we even had a few people ask if we were a part of the TV show “The Walking Dead” doing a season five promo as part of the Fan Expo that was happening all weekend. Thank you, we’ll take that as a compliment, and we love The Walking Dead.
When we got off the subway at Dundas Station, and our zombies learned how to open doors on their own, we were greeted by a group of guys that wouldn’t get close enough for a picture, along with a whole bunch of people stepping up on their own to take a selfie with a zombie, and that’s just the beginning. As we crossed the street and weaved our way into Dundas Square, we quickly generated a crowd. I’ve never seen so many selfies being taken. We had people running up to snap a picture and then taking off, people asking what it was all about, others just stood by and watched. There must be hundreds of pictures floating around the internet now. Some were foolish enough to try to talk to the zombies and ask for a picture, but we all know zombies don’t talk. We even made a little friend, a young boy who was fascinated with the make up and how we did it.
Over all, the evening was a lot of fun and we got to scare a whole bunch of people. It was an evening well spent. Would we do it again…? Hell yes! And we might too, with all our zombies!
Our show opens on September 11th at the Tranzac Club, located at 292 Brunswick Ave, in Toronto. Come join us for our opening night party. The doors open at 6:30 PM and includes live music by Jeremy Panda, desserts by Chi’s Cakes, drinks from the bar (sold separately) and a chance to win some great prizes, all before we get on with the show at 8 PM. Our other three performances are on September 12 @ 8PM, and September 13 @ 2:30 PM and 8 PM. Tickets range from $25 for the Saturday Matinee to $40 for the opening night party and show, and can be purchased online at
We look forward to seeing everyone there!
