It was the day of the undead at the Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade.

Bony Fiddle krewe as the Addams Family just prior to the start of the Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade
This year, Bony Fiddle had the privilege of being a featured krewe in the Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade and it was a dream come true. Everyone dressed in costume and surrounded by hundreds of zombies…? What?
We live for this stuff!

Eden Kontrimas makes up Blair
The day began early with a make-up and costume pre-parade scramble. Big thanks to one of our Bony Fiddle FX make-up artists, Eden Kontrimas. Took stamina to power through the assembly line of krewe who needed making-up.
By the time we were ready to go, Blair’s apartment was trashed, but we looked awesome, so it was all good!

Sam practising her costume face
This was the biggest Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade in Toronto to date with more than ten thousand undead and supporters in attendance. Truly a testament to the organisational powers of The Toronto Zombie Walk Board of Directors – we love you Thea and your undead gang! We had the pleasure of creating a loose relationship with the Toronto Zombie Walk group this year and very much look forward to continued development of that relationship.
We’d drag our corpses anywhere for them.

Justine Cargo and Monte Shen as Morticia and Gomez Addams
The day’s events began around 11am with the opening of the Zombie Market and Nerf Zombie Strike Midway at Nathan Phillips Square. The parade launched at 3pm from the float holding area just behind City Hall. Funniest moment while we were waiting to go out? That would be Morticia (Justine Cargo) breaking into spontaneous twerking on the street. Oh, it happened – we have photographic evidence.
The krewes along with our own were released one-by-one with a pack of zombies between us. We rounded the first corner of the route to cheers and cameras while the zombie wrangles ran around us with brains on sticks to keep the undead under control. We made our way out to University Ave, around the corner onto College and then straight on down Yonge Street.
Hitting Yonge Street was surreal. We thought we’d seen a lot of people until we got around the corner. Spectators were elbow-to-elbow and about ten or fifteen people deep or more in some spots. Camera flashes were going off in every direction. What a rush!
Highlight of the day? What seemed like thousands of people packed onto both sides of Yonge Street spontaneously breaking in the theme song from the Addams Family as our Bony Fiddle crew walked by. Nothing finer than a Saturday afternoon when thousands of people all snap their fingers and sing in unison in response to something we did. No complaints there.
Thank you Toronto and thank you Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade. We’ll see you next year!

Bony Fiddle – The “Family” business since 2006