Bony Fiddle Development – Blog Has Been Migrated… Finally

by JD Stanley

While development of the corporate website for Bony Fiddle Entertainment continues, we’re pleased to announce the new blog is up and running – yay!

About bloody time, right?

Old articles have been successfully migrated off the old blog platform without any damage. Some have even been given a facelift and we’ve been sure to include lots of media in others. There were quite a few things we have so far not been able to share with everyone due to editing and access limitations with the old platform, but those days are gone. We’ll continue to populate the new blog, so there’s lots of interesting things for you to view and read about.
new Bony skull avatar up on the blog
The ever-talented Blair Mueller tackled a reboot of the company logo which now appears as the blog banner you see up top there – pretty cool, eh? He incorporated the new skull icon into it (even cooler) that he created from an image taken of the actual sculpted Bony Fiddle skull made by… you guessed it, Blair Mueller. Honestly? It’s sickening how multi-talented he is some days. I can barely stand him.

Love you, dude!

While we’re continuing with the reorganisation, can’t promise you there’ll be a tonne of blog posts just yet.  Don’t worry, we’re working up to it.  Anything comes up?  We’ll let you know.  Thanks for hanging in there!

Bony Fiddle Development – Temp Digs for Website and Stuff

by Sam Willison

Our film production company is in evolution. Have we mentioned that before?
It feels like staying in a hotel while our house is being renovated, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make it comfortable. Have you checked out the improved Live site that only used to house the theatre component? Not quite what we have in mind for the entire film production company in the end, but more out of understanding everyone needs access to tools and information while we’re still working on the main site.

Through some group effort and creative thinking, it’s not half bad if we do say so ourselves.
You may or may not have seen the old site, but trust me, this one is vastly improved, and we’re glad no one has to look at the other one any more. There has been a collective exhale on our part.
eyes - smiley-681595_1280
Continued evolution and development will bring us to the new permanent home for the Bony Fiddle film production company site proper, but that vision is large (yeah, they all are), so is going to take some time.  In the meantime, all components are temporarily housed under our theatre “Live” division.  We didn’t want anyone to suffer any longer.  It’s just a whole lot easier on the eyes.  You’re welcome!
We’ve got a little bit of everything from theatre to zombie rentals to props to ticket sales to the blog and even a gallery of some shots from rehearsals, so a bit of this and that. Along with some logical navigation, you should be able to find everything you need. We hope!
Stay a while and browse.
Peruse the cast and crew pages, check out the calendar, read a little about how we got here, brush up on our current projects and maybe buy a ticket or two.